A student of life

who tries to depict the joys and miseries of people through his writing, and as a poet, he strives to divulge the disclosures of life. He is a voracious reader, a lectiophile who believes in “reading next to breathing,” an engineer who tries to build realistic expectations, and an observer who doesn’t jump to conclusions in one go. He has a keen interest in understanding human behavioural patterns and the reasons behind them. Tea and books are his best friends; you can find him in the corner of a cafe, writing and contemplating life, relishing the solitude.
Neeraj Brahmankar Content Writer Working in a Cafe



A Mute Noise Shraddhanvita

Neeraj is one of the most sensitive and accomplished poets I know and this collection is a wonderful read for anyone who likes good poetry.

An Abandoned Leaf Surendra Wadhai

The way you fought and handled the situations without shattering helped me to learn many things. "Survival of the fittest" is the law of nature, those who keep struggling for their existence find the new ways and you did that. Your story inspired me a lot. Thanks for such nice opportunity. All the best ahead.

A Mute Noise Shobhana Singh

Amazingly composed anthology. Poetries are short, crisp and beautifully crafted. If you are a fast reader, you can finish the book in one go. But if you like to comprehend and interpret things slowly, this book will give you enough space and ideas to ponder and contemplate.

An Abandoned Leaf Suchitra Shetty

One of life's lesson to be learnt from this book. We hardly realize what the other person is going through, as we are so busy in our own lives making ways for fame and success, even if it means sidetracking the other. This book reminded me to be considerate and compassionate and give equal love to everyone. Thank you Neeraj for making me more human once again. I'm sure that you will be successful in whatever you take up. Good Luck!

A Mute Noise Vishakha Deshmukh

Liked the way he blended wisdom with the common elements of life.

An Abandoned Leaf Harsha Sukhrani

I am so happy that Neeraj has showed the reality of our so called 'society' again and shared his own story to highlight it.

Featured Articles

PeaceTech Lab

The Art Galore

International The News

The Indian Stammering Association

Newspaper Features

‘Flow’ - Blog




“Gratitude for people, circumstances, and pain”



Neeraj participated in our competition. He was one of the top six global finalists of the writing event that my company organized. It was called The Stories Untold. I loved working with Neeraj. He was receptive to the feedback and overall I found his story writing skills to be quite unique. The way he weaves magic with words and emotions is quite a rare talent.

I wish him best of luck. Can’t wait to see him become a global best selling author.

Syed Ommer Amer - Content Specialist

Over the years, I have honed my skills to the best of my ability to do justice to these key strengths and skill sets. If given a chance, I will try my best to live up to your expectations.

Key Strengths

  • Summing up a large content in few words as per the need of the hour.
  • Trilingual poet ( English, Marathi, Hindi ) and writer.
  • Translation
  • Proofreading
  • Research
  • Writing effective, research-based content with minimum inputs

Client Testimonials

Neeraj is very talented and hardworking writer. On time delivery, error free files and flexibility with changes are most fascinating qualities of his work. Totally recommended for all the writing, editing and localization projects.

Devendra Sharma - Localization & QA Engineer

Neeraj is a brilliant writer, with limited to no breif, he writes the content to any extend you want. I am glad that I found him for a project which was then converted to multiple projects. What all I provided him was the details of a project, and what was the objective; and that’s it. He went on to write an article of more than 1400 classy words – which were loved by Google SEO and promplty ranked up the article higher.

He puts emotions in writing, his style in kind of unique and he basically circumambulates around the topic with picky words, and understands the methodology and steps of writing a beautiful piece of work.

I strongly recommend him for any kind of content/article writing and I will keep on using his creative skills for my projects in future, as well.

Yusuf Memon - Digital Marketing Professional

Neeraj is a dedicated writer. Timely, efficient and a great attitude. His skills are above par and, the content he created is incredibly well written. Highly recommended for project reports and grant proposals.

Vaibhav Deshbhratar - Executive - Corporate Social Responsibility at NTPC Limited